“Mad Max: Fury Road” prequel entitled “Furiosa: Mad Max Chronicles” has received an “R” rating for viewers over 17. According to The Hollywood Handle, the film will feature scenes of brutal violence and “disfigured images.”
The film will focus on Furiosa’s past and her confrontation with the leader of the biker horde, Immortan Joe. The warlord kidnaps a girl from her home, and she must try to make her way back.
The main roles in “Furiosa: Mad Max Chronicles” are played by Chris Hemsworth (“Thor”) and Anya Taylor-Joy (“Split”). The film’s runtime will be 2 hours and 28 minutes – almost half an hour longer than “Mad Max: Fury Road.”
The premiere of “Furiosa: Mad Max Chronicles” is scheduled for May 24, 2024. The film is directed and written by George Miller – the creator of previous Mad Max action movies.